Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Basic Vocabulary for Writing - Introduction

'Basic Vocabulary for Writing' is a resource targeted at helping pupils at the lower-middle primary levels or the weaker upper primary pupils.

A pupil who has just started independent writing or does not have a strong foundation in writing often find difficulties expressing their his / her ideas.

Most of the time, the pupil will use very simple description to try to overcome the problem. This is fine especially when he is a beginning writer (e.g. P1 or P2). 

However, as the child proceeds to higher levels, his simple description will appear pale in comparison to work written by the average and above-average writers.

Materials found in this section attempts to:

-Introduce common words, phrases or description suitable for use in specific writing topics (some of these material may overlap one another)

-Highlight and correct misconception often seen in pupils' work when writing certain topics

-Help improve on the common vocabulary provided in this section, so that pupils can enhance the descriptions in their composition after they grasp the basic.

I want to emphasize that this is an attempt.
In a classroom setting, I am able to see my pupils' responses and adjust the lessons accordingly. However, this is not possible on a blog.

As I gradually build up this section on my resources, do feedback to me if your child can understand or is able to use the resources as planned.

Let's all work through this together!

Opps...! I just noticed a grammar mistake and inappropriate choice of words. Erhm..."Nobody is perfect - That's why pencils have erasers!" - Anonymous

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